Privacy Policy
Who I am
I am a specialist teacher assessor of students with Specific Learning Difficulties. My aim is to help people with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) succeed in their education.
How do I use your personal information?
This privacy notice is to let you know how I promise to look after your personal information. This includes what you tell me about yourself, and what I learn by having you as a client. This policy tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.
My Privacy Promise
I promise:
To keep your data safe and private.
Not to sell your data.
If you have any questions or want more details about how I use your personal information, you can ask me.
How the law protects you
As well as this policy, your privacy is protected by law. This section explains how that works.
Data Protection law says that I am allowed to use personal information only if I have a proper reason to do so. This includes sharing it outside Sally Beazley Dyslexia Specialist Teacher and Assessor. The law says we must have one or more of these reasons:
To fulfil a contract I have with you, or
When it is my legal duty, or
When it is in my legitimate interest, or
When you consent to it.
A legitimate interest is when I have a business or commercial reason to use your information. But even then, it must not unfairly go against what is right and best for you. If I rely on my legitimate interest, I will tell you what that is.
Here is a list of all the ways that I may use your personal information, and which of the reasons I rely on to do so. This is also where I tell you what our legitimate interests are.
What I use your personal information for
To manage my relationship with you or your business.
To develop new ways to meet my clients’ needs.
To provide advice or guidance about my services and products.
To deliver my services
To manage payments
To manage charges
To collect money
My reasons
Fulfilling contracts​.
Your consent.
My legitimate interests.
My legal duty.
My legitimate interests
Keeping records up to date, working out which services and products may interest you and telling you about them.
Developing services and products.
Seeking your consent when I need it to contact you.
Being efficient about how I fulfil my legal duties and contractual duties.
Complying with regulations that apply to me.
Groups of Personal Information
I use many kinds of personal information and group them together like this.
Type of information
Open Data and Public Records
Details about payments to and from your accounts with me.
Details about the services or products I provide you.
Any permissions, consents or preferences that you give me. This includes things like how you want me to contact you.
Details about you that are in public records, such as information about you that is openly available on the internet.
Where you live and how to make contact with you
This includes details about your work or profession, education and where you fit into general social or income groupings.
What we learn about you from letters, emails and conversations between us.
Where I gather personal information from
I may collect personal information about you from these sources: Data you give to me:
When you apply for my services.
When you talk to me on the phone.
In emails and letters
In certification or other documents
In client surveys
Data I collect when you use my service. This includes the amount, frequency, type, location, origin and recipients:
I will not supply personal details such as address, or contact information unless you give me consent to do so.
How long I keep your personal information
For tuition: I will keep your personal information for as long as you are a client, after you stop being a client I may keep your data for years, or longer if legally required.
For assessments: I will keep the report for 6 years, or until the person reaches 24 years of age. All test papers, questionnaires and notes will be destroyed within 6 months of the assessment taking place.
How to get a copy of your personal information
You can access the personal information we hold by contacting me at sallydyslexia@gmail.com.
Letting me know if your personal information is incorrect
You have the right to question any information I have about you that you think is wrong or incomplete. Please contact me if you want to do this.
If you do, we will take reasonable steps to check its accuracy and correct it.
What if you want me to stop using your personal information?
You have the right to object to my use of your personal information or to ask me to delete, remove, or stop using your personal information if there is no need for me to keep it. This is known as the ‘right to object’ and ‘right to erasure’, or the ‘right to be forgotten’.
There may be legal or other official reasons why I need to keep or use your data. But please tell me if you think that I should not be using it.
How to withdraw your consent
You can withdraw your consent at any time. Please contact me if you want to do so.
If you withdraw your consent, I may not be able to provide certain services to you. If this is so, I will tell you.
How to complain
Please let me know if you are unhappy with how I have used your personal information. You can contact me at the email address above.